Did You Know about this hidden Blueforce Perk?

Blueforce Logistics has a corporate partnership with Air Canada, and so the vast majority of flights we book for workers are with AC. Every Air Canada flight booking requires an Aeroplan number for the traveler.

So what’s the point? Points. Points are the point because guess who gets the points?

You do. The traveler. The worker.

If you’ve done a few turnarounds with Blueforce these points can really add up and can be used to get a variety of things ranging from Starbucks to gift cards to snow shoes to a speed bag.

Seriously, you can actually get a speed bag with your Aeroplan points.

What’s more, if you are on Blueforce’s Uber travel plan, you can link your Aeroplan card with your Uber app and collect even more.

So get an Aeroplan card if you don’t have one already and don’t sleep on those points! Unless of course you’re using them to buy a pillow…

Jeff Graham